February 6, 2014
Read time : 3 min

“There has to be a generation that starts to care about the facts.
If we don’t deal with our debt now, we will have to dedicate too
many resources towards fixing it instead of investing in our future.”
Congressman John Delaney

Despite the below freezing wind-chill temperatures in Evanston, Illinois, on January 22nd, Northwestern’s auditorium radiated warm energy, filled with the University’s students and professors, as well as Chicagoland high school students, community members, and business leaders. The crowd gathered to engage with Congressman John K. Delaney, who discussed our nation’s fiscal situation and the direction of the global economy. The Congressman walked up onto the stage as the audience fell silent in anticipation. The opened the dialogue between campus and Capitol Hill and marked the launch of Up to Us at Northwestern University   Coming up this week, we will pilot the brand new Moneythink curriculum on the national debt, designed specifically for Up to Us. This lesson plan includes definitions, fun facts, activities, and multimedia with the goal of demystifying government spending for high school students. After deep collaboration with Moneythink nationals, we can hardly wait to implement this curriculum across the thirty Moneythink chapters nationwide.

What is the most important key to addressing the fiscal situation in the United States government? Congressman Delaney says education. The February 21st deadline will come and go, but the political and economic issues the Congressman discussed will remain. Moneythink arms the next generation with the power of knowledge so that they can speak up about dealing with the debt. Moneythink offers a sustainable education model to fuel the Up to Us discussion long beyond the competition deadline.

The impact of the Congressman’s discussion drastically exceeded our expectations. The talk generated discussion on campus about the national debt and sparked a deep investment in Up to Us by Northwestern’s campus. The talk catalyzed more students and student groups to seek involvement in the competition. After week one with Up to Us at Northwestern University, our momentum is strong, rapidly increasing, and absolutely contagious.


Read more about the Congressman’s discussion in the press: http://dailynorthwestern.com/2014/01/22/campus/maryland-congressman-visits-northwestern-discusses-fiscal-problems/